Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Your Mummy’s in the Mail

People try to mail a lot of weird things. Underwear, animals…even themselves. So it shouldn’t surprise anyone that a Peruvian woman tried to mail an Inca mummy in Bolivia last week. According to news reports the woman tried to send “human remains” through the standard mail system to a city in France. The remains were discovered when the mail station personal was doing a routine check of the package. Routine? Really? I’m willing to bet that the employee who did that package check thought it anything but routine to have someone’s Great, great….(you take the greats from here) grandpa staring back at them from inside bubble wrap.
The news story says that authorities don’t know how old the mummy is but that it was “well preserved”. (Pickles anyone?) My question is what do you charge a person with in this case? Illegal disposal of a dead guy or maybe just insulting a dead guy by sending them parcel post instead of UPS?

Really folks…I couldn’t make this stuff up…..
For the rest of the story visit


Sorry I haven't posted in a happened. I'm back and looking for those stories that bring out the stupid in all of us.