Thursday, December 24, 2009

But wait I thought you lived THERE....

Have you even noticed that most really good stupid stories begin with, "So there I was...." Imagine if you will being really mad at your ex-grilfriend and planning to get back at her only to screw it up.It would appear that a guy in Georgia did just that, probebly right after a beer run to the local Piggly Wiggly. As the story tells it he was upset with his ex-girlfriend (guess we don't have to wonder why she isn't with him anymore)and decided in that tiny little brain of his that he would pull do something spectacular to get back at her. So he builds a device, drives to her street and throws a fire guessed it...into the home of the guy who lived NEXT DOOR to his ex-girlfriend. Apparently his GPS was not working correctly...or prehaps the fact that those little GPS things are voiced by a woman...the joke was on him. I can see it now..."No Buddy Joe, she lives next door to the house where you went to visit her every week for TWO years while you were I'll bet the last thing he heard before the sirens was..."Thank you for using Garmin" in the sweetest female voice possible......

For the rest of the story

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Honey, Eat Your Dinner or I'll Call the Cops

Hey I finally discovered a way to get my family to eat my cooking...police enforcement. That's right, a woman in Texas (ok, no one is surprised that it was in Texas) called the police to report that her husband was trying a new form of domestic violence...NOT eating her cooking. As my middle son would say...REALLY? In today's world of actual domestic violence, gang shootings and crime run amuck, do we really need to gum up the system with a call about our spouses eating habits? I have to admit that there have been times when I have been frustrated with my kids and wanted to shove them into a small box and mail them to my mother because they have been reluctant to eat something that I had slaved over for hours. (Did I mention that I am NOT a great cook?) But to call the cops...well...that may be going a bit too far. The woman in question will be charged with 911 abuse..whatever that entails...but maybe instead the officers who showed up to the call should have made her eat her own cooking...that might have stopped her. I know one thing, I have this picture in my mind of her being handcuffed and carted away as her husband stood watching through the screen door pumping his fist in the air shouting.."yes!"
For the whole story visit