Sunday, July 25, 2010

Is That a Monkey in Your Girdle or Are You Just Happy to See Me?

So if one monkey means you're happy to see me...what does 18 monkeys in your girdle mean? In Mexico City last week a guy was popped for smuggling at the International airport. Drugs,, no...jewels, nope.....monkeys and not JUST monkeys but 18 of them. (Sooooo many questions.....)

According to the story 38 year old Roberto Cabrera came in on a commercial flight from Peru when authorities noticed a "bulge" in his pants. (I have questions for the guy who sat next to him on the plane, don't you?) Mr. Cabrera had 18 6-inch titi monkeys in pouches attached to a girdle. (Two died in doubt died of embarrassment...)

Mr. Cabrera was arrested on trafficking an endangered species. According to the story the guy was going to put them in a suitcase but decided to used the girdle so that the x-ray machine wouldn't hurt them...what a humanitarian.

Yep, of all the things to "smuggle" into a country, I'm pretty sure I don't want to be the guy in the jail cell who chose monkeys...would you?

I swear you just can't make this stuff up. For the entire story visit