Monday, February 2, 2009

No really, you didn’t want that job anyway…

This week a story came out regarding the status of our economy. Now this is no surprise considering that there are at least 18 of those a day while people attempt to figure out how we all got into this mess in the first place. This particular article is different though because the subject makes our “ridiculous files”.
The story is entitled “Bailed-out banks sought foreign workers”. Now truly all your really need to get the hair on the back of your neck to stand straight up is the title of this article however it bears taking note of. We have heard that the bailed out banks have given out millions in bonuses, and we’ve heard that bailed out companies have spend millions on planes and such but now just when we are down, they kick us again with the fact that we didn’t have a chance at jobs with their companies anyway? Seriously…?
When I was a kid growing up in California in the heart of the valley we often heard that the reason why the farm jobs went to illegal Hispanics was because, and I quote so many people in saying, “most ‘other’ folks (meaning other than illegal workers) don’t want those jobs”. That was never true of course, it wasn’t that other people didn’t want the jobs, they just wouldn’t do those back breaking jobs for the very little money that farmer owners and ranchers would pay the illegal folks. What they paid them was a crime and for many, many years now the government local and otherwise has looked the other way while it continues to happen. Now…it is happening on a global scale and politicians are saying, “huh?” Really? They didn’t realize that this was happening? Ok, and I have a bridge I’ll sell ya just as soon as I can get a good picture of what I’m selling….
It really is time for a revolution of sorts’ folks. The government is telling us that they are working on it, but they have been “working on it” forever. The problem is the corporations and we all know that they are the elephant in the living room yet no one will address it, instead the politicians keep buying it new clothes and hope that we won’t notice.
So what I would ask is this, how does a story such as this get published and no one….NO ONE…show up on television screaming what the hell….. Well the answer is simple, the television station is owned by a corporation and the news guy who would have asked the questions is paid by a corporation so the answers to the questions are forever locked in a vault labeled “things the American people fell for”……

For the whole story visit:

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