Monday, May 18, 2009

Clean up Your Room or I’m Callin the Cops!

(This is the second copy of this blog, my apolgies for the mistakes in the first one, that's what happens when I do them late)

Today’s story is one of those that makes you shake your head and go….wow is the human race in trouble. I am being told that as a person in my middle ages, (I’m sure that you are familiar with that’s the age between ah crap and oh damn?) I should take heed that my future is now in the hands of our young folks. You remember those people don’t you, the kids that you yell at to change their underwear before they can stand up on their own, stop surfing porn on your laptop because you aren’t interested in seeing some large chested woman named Kitty who likes long walks on short piers and stop trying to shoving peas up the cat’s (or your sister’s) nose all while you scream from the living room, “ARE YOU ON DRUGS? Yeah, those kids.
Most days I think, well I’ve done my thing maybe it is time to turn it over to the younger generation but then I read something like today’s story of stupid.

According to the news story a man in Bedford Ohio called 911 because of his son. Now I don’t know about you but if I have to call 911 on my kid it would be because of something like, he had lost his damn little mind and pulled a knife on me. That’s not what Mr. Andrew Mizsak called the cops on his son for; nope it was something far more sinister. Mr. Mizask called 911 on his son because…wait for it….wait for it…. “his 28-year-old son — who's a school board member in the Cleveland suburb of Bedford — threw a plate of food across the kitchen table and made a fist at him when he was told to clean his room.” Yup you heard that right, the son, also named Andrew, lives in a room in his parents' basement and when dear old dad told his namesake to clean up his room, the ADULT son flung his food and shook his fist just like any other three year old child and then to add ridiculous to stupid, the old man called the cops to complain. This begs the question, what did the cops do when they showed up and finally stopped laughing? As it turned out, as if this story could get any more ridiculous, the father declined to press charges and told police he doesn't want to ruin his son's political career so he would just let it go.

All I have to say is… my kids get off easy.

For the whole story, because I couldn’t make this up visit,

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