Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hey Mr. Park Ranger – We’ve got a leak over here!

Ok, every now and then one of those stories comes along that make you stop what you’re doing and turn to the person sitting next to you and simply say…oh geez, really?
Obviously the folks running Yellowstone National Park need to set an age limit for those who come to work for them…or many they just need to set a two beer minimum. As the story goes two seasonal Yellowstone National Park concession workers, guys who have access to all the soda a guy can steal from a national park, decided, for whatever reason to skip hitting the port-a-potty and just stop off at the first large hole they could find. The problem wasn’t the fact that they were bleeding the old lizard a’ natural, the problem was that the rather large hole they decided to urinate in happened to be one of the nation’s most treasured blow-holes, you guessed it, Old Faithful. Take a walk with me for just a second and see what I see in my mind’s eye…there they are Bill and Bob, having just drunk entirely too much bootleg coke looking for a place to pee. Bill looks at Bob, they look at Old Faithful, giggle a little and hop the fence skipping off to do what will go down in history as the dumbest thing any two guys could do next to urinating on the big foot at Lincoln’s Monument…pee into Old Faithful. (Let’s hope they timed it right because that could be a real reverse pisser as my grandpa Leonard would have said) And how do these two geniuses get caught? Well on live webcam of course! Some dude with obviously very little to do with his own time caught them urinating into the Old Faithful geyser on Yellowstone’s live webcam. (Gotta love the term “real time”)
The story goes on to say that one of the men, a 23-year-old, was fined $750 and placed on three years of unsupervised probation for urinating, being off trail in a restricted area and taking items from the area. I am sure that NONE of us wants to know what he took from the area. But this story does beg the asking of one simple question….do you think that’s why they call it Yellowstone?
For the whole story visit

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