Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Damn it...but I look Good In That!

Well they have gone and done it...Nevada has started banning people at the voting polls! What's this world coming to if I can't make a decision on which politician I like, drive to the polls and vote...in MY CHICKEN COSTUME! Damn it!

Yes that's right tax payers, your hard earned money in Nevada is now paying so that chicken costumes can be banned from the voting polls. Apparently one of the Republican candidates got her feelings hurt when folks started making fun of her dressed like chickens. The Republican is a millionaire casino exec and a former beauty queen (and a chicken costume was the best ribbing they could do?) who suggested that people "barter" for medical care. (Is that the theme to Dr. Quinn - Medicine Woman I hear in the background?) She even went so far as to suggest that a person could trade a chicken for medical care. (Honestly, I couldn't have made this up) So the democrats, being the adults that they are, set up a website called "Chickens for Checkups". (Remember who pays them for doing all of this folks...social security will end when?)

So now, since the poor whittle candidate got her feelings hurt...I have to put my chicken suit away. Damn it!

But seriously...isn't anyone in Nevada looking at this and saying to themselves WTI? (Whose the Idiot) Your tax dollars just outlawed chicken suits! Chicken suits! What about handguns? What about crime? What about those annoying people who hand out the flyers in front of the casinos? Can't we find ANYTHING else to ban? What's the world coming to?

For the whole story (proving that I really can't make this stuff up) visit http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37296098/ns/politics/

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