Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Whole New Meaning to the Word, "Laptop"

We live in a world that has stopped paying attention. Entertainment, laptops, video games, internet, television, cell's all about how much entertainment we can pack into a day. No one looks each other in the eyes anymore and where you used to have to watch were you were going on the sidewalk because it was rude to bump someone, you now have to watch because you run the risk of getting run over by a texter. (You know the guy hunched slightly forward eyes glued to a 3 x 2 inch screen, thumbs flying and actually not spelling but inventing a new language as they go...)This year we had to develop an actual law in order to make sure that people do not text while driving...are you kidding me?

There are a number of things that one should not do while driving....put on makeup, look for loose change between the seats, change your clothes and reading are just a few of those things. (Although people still try.)So for your consideration today's story shows just how ridiculous (and dangerous) entertainment while driving has gotten.

In Batatvia New York an Ohio truck driver was sentenced to second degree manslaughter after killing a woman on the side of the road. Thomas Wallace, a truck driver (yes a guy who drives one of those massive trucks that we all hate to drive next to on the highway) reportedly crashed into the woman who had pulled over because she had hit a deer. Wallace hit the woman's car from behind killing her instantly.

So what was Wallace doing that made him take his eyes off the road? Texting? No. Changing clothes? No. Talking on his cell phone? No. Wallace was watching porn on his laptop...WHILE DRIVING on the interstate in a VERY large truck AT NIGHT! According to the reports Wallace had the laptop guessed his lap. Needless to say Wallace was sentenced to prison for his stupidity. Let's hope that some REALLY big guy named Big Bubba finds Wallace an entertaining as Wallace found his laptop.

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