Saturday, January 31, 2009

Yeah well I had all these extra embryos…what’s a girl to do

Ok, I am all for the right to choose how you live your life and all but sometimes those choices are just ridiculous. Case in point…the woman in California who has just added eight more children to her brood, keep in mind that she already had six kids. And yes that makes 14 in all for those of us who tend to be math challenged.
In the story the woman’s mother says that her daughter has always been obsessed with having kids…duh… The woman whose previous children are ages two through seven has had this latest litter via fertility drugs, the same way, as it turns out, that she had the first six. When asked how she could afford all the children she simply said that she got paid for it. (I wonder what that means….)
According to news accounts the woman wanted to implant the remaining embryos from her first fertility pregnancy because they were going to be destroyed if she didn’t….so the doctor, obviously tittering on the brink of insanity himself, implanted all of them and guess what…she ended up giving birth to ALL of them. Wow who would have thunk it….
The woman is a single mom and a full-time student who now has an entire class of her own….so here’s my question for the day…what about these kids? They are going to grow up in a group home for this woman’s way-ward embryos. The father is absent, apparently by the mother’s choice and while I don’t think that you need a man around to raise a child properly, shouldn’t this woman at least have an assistant coach? Children take time and attention and even the best of intended mothers have a difficult time spreading that attention around with as little as three kids, what kind of attention could a single mother give to 14 of them at one time? The answer is sparse at best. While the doctors on the televised news conference seemed quite pleased with themselves I’d be willing to bet that once mom leaves the hospital none of these doctors will be offering to babysit. The woman’s mother is so distraught that she has said, once the babies are home, she is out of there which means mom will be alone with 14 kids all between the ages of two and seven. (if you mothers out there are counting…that means at least 10 in diapers at once…)
When the woman went to her fertility doctor he should have offered her a straight jacket instead of more frozen kid-pops for the freezer womb. Seriously…what doctor thought that this was a good idea?

If you want the whole story so that you can scare your own kids away from fertility doctor’s visit

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